Vehicle keys
If they lose their vehicle key or need a duplicate, many car owners assume that they can only get a new key from their car dealer. This is usually a costly mistake, as depending on the brand or manufacturer, the only costs incurred are for the vehicle key.
Fair Schlüsseldienst specializes in duplicating and programming car and vehicle keys. Duplicating a vehicle key with Fair Schlüsseldienst is a cost-effective and uncomplicated alternative.
As your specialist in Berlin, Fair Schlüsseldienst will copy your vehicle key, even for current car models. Due to the electronic immobilizer, this requires a specialist. The keys of older models are usually as easy to duplicate as a front door key.
Fair Schlüsseldienst creates replacement keys for vehicles quickly and cost-effectively. Our range of services includes the most common key designs for vehicles and mobile means of transportation.
Current vehicles have a radio remote control and a transponder. This allows you to open the doors and start the vehicle. When retrofitting, the key must be mechanically reconstructed and adapted to the vehicle using software.
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