Locksmith service & security technology

Fair Schlüsseldienst Berlin - Türöffnung für 49€
Have you been locked out or do you have a problem with your lock? Our emergency locksmith service offers you a fixed price in Berlin.
Fair Schlüsseldienst Berlin - Schlüsselservice für hochwertige Schlüsselkopien
Our company offers you a professional key cutting service for Berlin. We create high-quality key copies, even without an appointment.
Günstiger Austausch von Türzylindern - Fair Schlüsselnotdienst Berlin
We offer you the replacement or sale of door locks if the key is lost or if you are moving house.
Unser Top Angebot für Berlin: Stangenschloss Swiss Sector SL 100 inkl. Montage
Our top offer for Berlin: Swiss Sector SL 100 bar lock incl. installation.
Fahrzeug Funkschlüssel und Transponder Programierung
We program radio keys and transponders for vehicles.
Mechanische und elektronische Schließanlagen und Schließsysteme
We offer mechanical and electronic locking systems and locking systems for all requirements.

Our benefits



Fair Schlüsseldienst Berlin is your reliable partner for all questions relating to security technology.


We offer you a wide range of high-quality products, including cross bolts, reinforced bolts, bar locks and much more, to secure your apartment or house against break-ins.


On request, Fair Schlüsseldienst can plan, deliver and install mechanical and electronic locking systems for larger properties.